Farzad Ahmadinejad

Robotics Engineer

Software Development

My Expertise in Robotics Engineering:

Software development for the autonomous navigation of mobile robots on Embedded-Linux/ROS platforms encompasses computer vision for real-time obstacle detection and navigation, sensor fusion for robust environmental sensing and state estimation, path planning algorithms for optimal route determination, and control algorithms for precise movement execution.

Embedded Electronics

Design and development of electronic hardware and firmware for Internet of Things (IoT) devices, focusing on the integration with various sensors and actuators. This includes expertise with ARM Cortex-M microcontroller units (MCUs) and CM4, ensuring a robust and scalable infrastructure for smart device applications.

Mechatronics Systems

I specialize in crafting solutions that adhere to both functional and performance specifications, as well as operational constraints. My extensive background in robotics and automation systems is underpinned by a profound understanding of their integral subsystems, including sensors, actuators, mechanisms, and the accompanying software.